Project Proposal: Hsieh Family Bathroom

Project: Hsieh Family Bathroom

Client: Ying-Chi Hsieh and his parents

Our current AIAS FBD Project is a continuation of last years vision to better the life of a wheelchair bound 30 year-old man and his family. This man, Ying-Chi Hsieh, has trouble taking care of his day-to-day needs – from showering and using the bathroom to eating and traveling – due to his condition. This makes him dependent on his aging parents, which takes a greater toll on them as days go by. Though he is unable to do a lot of things well, he is still able to “walk” around on his knees and understand simple speech. However, his confidence in doing things for himself is waning due to his challenging environment, which cannot be improved because his family simply cannot afford to better their situation.

Project: Redesign Bathroom for a Disabled Individual

By changing the toilet for one with a lower seat, and switching out the bathtub for a vertical shower booth, it would allow Ying-Chi to finally be able to use the bathroom by himself. This is just the beginning of a huge change in Ying-Chi’s life. For a start, Ying-Chi’s elderly parents would no longer have to pick him up and place him on the toilet whenever he needs to use the bathroom. Once Ying-Chi is able to train himself to use the bathroom and shower and brush his teeth, he will become significantly more self-confident. It is possible for him to do things by himself if his environment is suited to his needs.

The psychological impact, upon the completion of this project, to both Ying-Chi and his entire family is immense.

Fundraising Plan:

Having already attacked this project in the past year, we have a jump-start on funding to help offset the current costs. We plan on continuing to fundraise as we have in the past year, as well as begin to solicit donations from local businesses and firms. We are also looking into obtaining donations from local companies who seek philanthropic causes and grants.

Some fundraisers that have been discussed are AIAS and FBD T-shirt Sales, silent auctions, bake sales, and sporting events. Please email us at if you have any other fundraising ideas or suggestions.



-Client’s range of motion measurements
-Bathroom survey/ measurements
-Design sessions
-Equipment Purchase
-Installation session


Ying-Chi Hsieh before

Before- Due to his disability, client needs to be lifted over the tub to take a shower every day.

Ying-Chi Hsieh After

After- Sliding chair added and hand bar installed. Sliding seat allows client to be positioned easily in and out of the tub.





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